A New Earth, Ancient Wisdom, CommUNITY, Family Constellations, Healing, Lifestyle, Psychology, Spirituality

I am a Soul Alchemist, Healer & Therapist of Family & Systemic Constellations ðŸª¬

My teacher, friend, and sister Mayadari Del Sol

Back in September 2021, I was introduced to Family & Systemic Constellations by a good friend and yogi sister. She briefly explained to me what she had experienced in one of her constellations. It sounded bizarre but super interesting. I didn’t look it up or anything, but she persisted to tell me more about her experiences and I was very intrigued to say the least. She told me a training was about to start, I literally signed up the day before the training started. I had NO IDEA what I was about to get into. I just read her information on the program and thought to myself, I need this in my life. I just knew this was the work I was missing from my arsenal of spiritual goodies to help me transform into the best possible version of myself.

October 3rd was my first day in the training and that very same day I experienced my first constellation. Let me start by saying, that as soon as I walked in, and this group greeted me as one of their own… I felt like I was being seen for the first time. Not to say that I don’t have some great connections in my life that truly love and see me, I have that 100%… but to find a group of strangers that I connected with so quickly was an amazing experience for me.

What a beautiful group of enlightened souls 🪬

After my first experience being constellated, I knew this was going to be some of the most profound work I’ve ever done… not just for myself but for others as well.

So what is a Family & Systemic Constellation you might be asking by now… 🤔

There really is no way of explaining it but to experience it buuuuut…. It is a therapeutic method in which we open the memory field of a family system that is in disorder. We hold and have the ability (with permission and respect) to tap into the emotional resonance of the field of memories of humanity. We search this field to retrieve a painful memory that may be an unresolved issue and replace it with the positive image of a new one in order to creat order, which is our goal as facilitators. If there is disorder in the system, love cannot flow.

It has been described by physicists as quantum mysticism and the founder Bert Hellinger, incorporated the speculative idea of morphic resonance (memory is inherent in nature) into his explanation of it. Pretty much, we all have ancestral karma. Our ancestors made certain choices in the past that affect us now in the present. We all have these wounds palpitating in our system. Depending on the work our ancestors have done is depending on how it will be affecting us now. All in all, since this method of work comes from a belief in Oneness, a one consciousness that connects us all, we potentially are all being affected by everyone’s systems whether we know them or not and whether you believe it or not.

If you are suffering and don’t know why you keep repeating the same patterns and ending up with the same results, it’s because there is a disorder somewhere in your system and you are unaware of how it is affecting your present life. Become aware of the disorder! That’s the first step! The next step would be making a consult with me or any other facilitator and get constellated so that you can work towards identifying and transcending it.

I am proud to say that I have graduated from my training and will be added to the directory of the Systemic Healing Institute so that you can schedule constellations with me. I will keep you posted on the link to that page once I receive it. http://systemichealinginstitute.com

A big huge hug and thank you to my teacher, friend, and sister Mayadari Del Sol for creating such a beautiful program and holding space for us to heal and grow on our journey. Below you can find a link to her book Alchemy of the Soul. If you want to learn more about her program or you already know you would like to sign up you can go here —-> https://mayadaridelsol.com/

Heal Your Past and Manifest a New Destiny


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