Lifestyle, Spirituality, Yoga

Vritis… Patterns of the mind. How do we overcome them? In order to know what we are, we must first know what we are not. 

In Jnana Yoga or Yoga knowledge, we learn that there are five layers to realize the Self.  Anamaya Kosh or Physical Body - external layer which we feed with food and water. Pranayama Kosha or Energetic body - that is nourished through breath, energy and chakras. Manomaya Kosha or Impure Mind - the 5 senses,… Continue reading Vritis… Patterns of the mind. How do we overcome them? In order to know what we are, we must first know what we are not. 

Lifestyle, Music, Spirituality

Giving myself space to create and be free. 

I haven't picked up the guitar in way too long, and moments like these remind me why I need to make it a daily thing. I just started strumming, and the lyrics started flowing.  Allowing myself the freedom to know, I am still learning. I am not perfect. I am only perfectly me, being free.… Continue reading Giving myself space to create and be free. 

Astrology, Dance, Lifestyle, Spirituality, Yoga

Getting to know me…

Washington D.C. Trip / first time experiencing snow.My name is Jessica Rovira and I was born in a small town in Mississippi some time ago 😜 I'm an Aquarius Sun Sign. My Rising sign is in Virgo, and my Moon sign is in Pisces. That may not mean anything to those who don't follow astrology,… Continue reading Getting to know me…

#dance, Art, Lifestyle, Yoga

Words and music are such powerful magicians alone, put them together and new worlds are created. 

​​ I find it so interesting the things we can release simply by allowing ourselves to live our passion. My passion is to create art in whatever form I see fit for the moment. In this moment, I have some deep emotional feelings I need to release of a sweet love that once was. I… Continue reading Words and music are such powerful magicians alone, put them together and new worlds are created. 

Lifestyle, Spirituality, Yoga

Why do human beings feel the need to put labels on everything? As if we wouldn’t exist without a name. 

We're always searching for labels trying to define ourselves, others, things... But what if there were no labels? Would we still feel complete?  . What's in a label?  Let's break this down: Label - a classifying phrase or name applied to a person or thing, especially one that is inaccurate or restrictive.   . How… Continue reading Why do human beings feel the need to put labels on everything? As if we wouldn’t exist without a name. 

Lifestyle, Spirituality, Yoga

When the mind is challenged and refuses growth, it’s an opportunity to rise above. Jessica Rovira

The mind is tricky. It likes to trap us in cyclical patterns because it doesn't like change. Even if the change is beneficial for us, the mind will still refuse it. It will use every distraction and excuse possible to keep you stuck in a specific pattern until you take action to change it. It's… Continue reading When the mind is challenged and refuses growth, it’s an opportunity to rise above. Jessica Rovira

Lifestyle, Spirituality, Yoga

The power is within you to create your own reality. Jessica Rovira

Let's talk about FORGIVENESS. . What is Forgiveness?  The action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.  What does it mean to forgive?  To stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw or mistake.  . How can we forgive those who have hurt us in some way? Whether it be physically, emotionally, mentally… Continue reading The power is within you to create your own reality. Jessica Rovira

Lifestyle, Yoga

When we acknowledge and act upon our impulse to create, we are aligning our will with the creator. 

Creativity is a form of expression associated with the fifth chakra, Visuddha or sound. This chakra is associated with communication, and believe it or not, communication is a creative process. As Yogis, we use our bodies to communicate, twisting and turning into a form of art. By adding music, it becomes a way of self… Continue reading When we acknowledge and act upon our impulse to create, we are aligning our will with the creator. 


People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road, doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost. H. Jackson Browne

Life is about learning to accept that not everyone is on the same path as we are. It doesn't mean their way is wrong, in fact, it is perfectly right for them. And just because someone doesn't seem to be suffering on the outside doesn't mean their isn't pain on the inside. The size of… Continue reading People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road, doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost. H. Jackson Browne