A New Earth, Ancient Wisdom, Astrology, CommUNITY, Healing, Lifestyle, Psychology, Spirituality, Tarot/Oracle, Yoga, Yoga Philosophy


I am a Galactic Starseed, Mystical Creature, Free Spirit, Wayshower, Trailblazer, Light Worker, Light Being, Shamaness, Healer, Intuitive, Psychic, Tarot/Oracle Reader, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Attuned, Akashic Record Reader, Astrology Student… did I leave anything out? 🤔 Probably 🤷🏻‍♀️ Beloved J: Awaken the Divine Within PODCAST is up and running! https://open.spotify.com/show/1cnxWRt4sNa3Pk05nrlb2U?si=r52xWyYYT8m-GogpkRQr1A Welcome Soul Tribe! … I… Continue reading NEW PODCAST CHANNEL UP ON SPOTIFY

Tarot/Oracle, Twin Flames


You are approaching the gates of Justice. Truth, integrity and karmic retribution are found just beyond the gates, as well as balance, equity, and fair compensation. This is something you have been working diligently towards for a while now. You may have even gotten to the point of giving up on something, someone or some… Continue reading 🔮 TAROT TUESDAY 🔮

Lifestyle, Spirituality, Tarot/Oracle, Twin Flames, Uncategorized


I am receiving guidance on a very specific situation here… I feel like it is the Feminine collective I am sensing at the moment, but remember, just take what resonates and let go of the rest to those who need it. There is an overwhelming feeling of confusion. Emotions are high and I sense a… Continue reading 🔮 TAROT TUESDAY 🔮

Tarot/Oracle, Twin Flames, Uncategorized


We all have the ability to be direct channels of the Holy Spirit and see beyond our current circumstances. Spirit is asking you to open up to love in order to open your channels to receive intuitive information about what may be occurring in your life now and what's about to unfold. When you are… Continue reading 🔮 TAROT TUESDAY 🔮

Spirituality, Tarot/Oracle


General: Regrets from the past, of not being good enough, worthy enough. It is time for deep inner child healing. Issues from childhood are rearing their heads. Do you carry beliefs that are holding you back from evolving and moving into the next phase of your life? This can be something big or small, doesn’t… Continue reading 🔮 TAROT TUESDAY 🔮

Lifestyle, Spirituality, Tarot/Oracle, Twin Flames


A wrong is doneConsequences you cannot denyBut to hold a grudge is to drink poison And think that the other person Will die Did someone do you wrong? Did you do someone wrong? Have you wronged yourself? Forgiveness is the path to freedom. It’s time to let go of the weight of your past. What… Continue reading 🔮 TAROT TUESDAY 🔮

Lifestyle, Spirituality, Tarot/Oracle, Twin Flames


It takes strength to sacrifice that which is most precious to you. To sacrifice means to “make sacred.” The sacrifice is an offering from your heart, crafted by the hands of love for our Creator to feast upon. In the Bible they speak of blood sacrifice, however in middle America, the Lord of Dawn, Quetzalcoatl,… Continue reading 🔮 TAROT TUESDAY 🔮

A New Earth, Lifestyle, Spirituality, Tarot/Oracle


Heaven is before you, your dreams are coming true. It’s time to focus on your inner journey and sacred visions. What do you hunger for? What are your true hearts desires? Are you flying above your life, unaware of your true nature? Is it possible you have forgotten to “stop and smell the roses?” Are… Continue reading 🔮 TAROT TUESDAY 🔮

Lifestyle, Spirituality, Tarot/Oracle


Timing is everything. 🕰 🐇✨ I see something here that is very fated. But you may feel like it is not moving in the direction or at the speed that you would like it to be right now. You may feel like Spirit is blocking you, and it’s not that you are being blocked, Spirit… Continue reading 🔮 TAROT TUESDAY 🔮